Seller Searches

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Seller Searches store a "search by seller".







Search name

Enter a name that you want to represent this search. This name will show on the Search Tree, and it will be the title of a set of results if this search is placed directly under a Tab Page.


Enter one or more seller ids, separated with commas.


Select one of the categories, or enter a category number. Category numbers can be found on eBay's category page.

Item type

Specify the type of listings that you want to see.


All listing types

Retrieve listings from Auctions and Stores.

Auction listings only

Retrieve listings that involve competitive bidding (Chinese, Dutch and Live).

Fixed price listings only

Retrieve fixed price items from Auctions where Buy It Now is an option, or if Fixed Price is set, and from Stores.

Store listings only

Retrieve only listings from Stores.


Make this search subtractive

If this is selected, the items found by this search will be removed from the search results of its non-subtractive siblings within the parent group or page.


Please see Subtractive Searches for more information.



Property tab




Price Min and Max

Enter the minimum and maximum price for the items that you want to see. Leave it blank for no restriction.

Bids Min and Max

Enter the minimum and maximum number of bids that you want the items to have. Leave it blank for no restriction.

Retrieve by

By default, the items are retrieved newly listed first. The options are:

· Time: ending soonest
· Time: newly listed (the default, and recommended if you're using new listing detection or email notification)
· Price: lowest first
· Price: highest first


You can choose to see only listings that are ending within a certain number of hours or days.

Best offer available

Check this box if you only want to see items that have the Best Offer option.

Local pickup available

Check this box if you only want to see items where the seller allows local pickup.

Item condition

Lets you restrict the listings by item condition.

Quantity available

Change this setting if you only want to see listings where there are a certain number of items available.



Title tab






Title must have / must not have

Enter one or more words that the title must or must not have. This restricts the results to having at least one of these words, or none of these words in the item titles. A case-insensitive match is done with wildcards on either side of each word.


These options can be used to:

· Filter Standard Searches that you make with the "Search title and description" option
· Filter Seller, Bidder and Category, and Captured Searches where you want to further filter the results to see only the items that you're interested in. For instance, you may only be interested in a subset of a seller's offerings.

Title must / must not match

Enter a regular expression that the title must or must not match.



Presentation tab






Display by

Select the initial sort order for the search results. By default, the results are shown sorted by ascending end time.

If this search belongs to a Search Group, the Search Group's display setting will override this setting.

Highlight results

Select a color if you want the search results to be highlighted automatically. You can do this to mark items of interest, or to classifying your results.

Replace existing highlighting

Check this box if you want the highlighting to overwrite any highlighting that is present. By default, highlighting that is already present will be left unchanged.



Memo tab




The memo tab lets you store notes for the search. The notes will be shown with the search results, and they don't affect searching.